The 2024 Kansas Homeschool Expo will be better than ever! You’ve got questions and you can find your answers at the Expo. Homeschooling is what YOU make it and we have everything to help you make it amazing!

The 2024 Expo is April 19-20 at Hartman Arena (8151 N Hartman Arena Drive, Park City, KS). Hotel information: Winds Hotel, (316) 768-6045, 1075 E Turtle Ct, Park City, KS. $119/night for 2 queen beds or 1 king bed. Reserve under “Kansas Home Educators” to get the discount rate. Other area hotels, venue information and area restaurants.

$60 weekend Expo pass (KSHE Members receive free registration, exclusive shopping time Friday from 9:00 - 10:00, and $10 vendor bucks if registered by April 1)

$45 one day Expo pass (good for EITHER Friday or Saturday)

Expo highlights:
- Two amazing keynote speakers! Ashlee Williams (Grace & Grit) and Rebecca Spooner (Gather ‘Round Homeschool) will be sharing their wisdom and loving on us all during the Expo.

- Educational and encouraging workshops to help you homeschool - no matter the method or where you are in the journey.

- Vendors with educational resources and curriculum.

- Coaching Corner staffed with volunteers to help you one-on-one with any homeschool questions.

- Homeschool Job Fair Connection on Friday from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Job Fair is held in the parking lot of Hartman Arena and is free to attend. Come meet with companies that have intern and jobs for homeschool students and recent grads.

Encouragement, enrichment, and support - the Kansas Homeschool Expo!